Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Magistrate Power

Magistrate power to take cognizance of the offence After the stage of investigation is completed and the final report is forwarded by the police to competent magistrate, the second stage of fair trial begins that is taking of the cognizance of the offence by the magistrate. In this stage some of the necessary steps have to be take place. These steps are: – (i)to take cognizance of the offence, ii)then the magistrate enquire that whether any prima facia case exist against the accused person and if it exist then, (iii)to issue process against the accused person in order to secure his presence at the time of trial, (iv)to supply to the accused person the copies of police statement. Cognizance of the offence: – Meaning: – In the Criminal Procedure Code the term ‘Cognizance of the offence' is not defined but taking the cognizance of the offence is the first step towards the trial.The literally meaning of Cognizance is knowledge or notice and the taking cognizanc e of offence means taking notice or becoming aware of the commission of the offence. But the meaning of this expression is now well settled by the Courts. Taking cognizance does not involve any formal action of any kind but it occurs as soon as a magistrate applies his mind to the commission of the offence for the purpose of proceedings to take steps towards the Inquiry or Trial. It also includes intention of intention of initiating a judicial proceedings against an offender in respect of an offence.By whom the Cognizance of the offence is taken: – Under Section 190 of the Code, any magistrate of first class may take cognizance of any offence and any magistrate of second class, if specially empowered by the Chief Judicial Magistrate, may take the cognizance of the offence. But the court of session is not to take the cognizance of the offence directly as it is under the original jurisdiction unless the case is given to it by the magistrate. When the cognizance is taken: â€⠀œ A magistrate take the cognizance of the offence: – i)upon receiving a complaint of facts which constitute such offence. (ii)upon a police report of such facts, (iii)upon information received from any person other than a police officer, or upon his own knowledge, that such offence has been committed The word ‘Complaint' mentioned in the above paragraph is defined under the Section 2(d) of the Code as: – ‘any allegation made orally or in writing to a magistrate with a view to his taking action under this Code, that some person whether known or unknown has committed an offence, but it does not include a police report. So ordinarily a private citizen intending to initiate criminal proceedings in respect of an offence has two ways open to him. He may give information to the police if the offence is cognizable one, or he may go to the magistrate and file a complaint irrespective of the fact that whether the offence is cognizable or noncognizable. Now the quest ion arises whether the magistrate is bound to take the cognizance in the above circumstances. In this the Supreme Court in the case of Gopal Das V. State of Assam (1961) 2 Cri L. J. 39Observe that Section 190 of the Code does not means that once a complaint is filed, a magistrate is bound to take the cognizance of the offence if the facts stated in the complaint disclose the commission of any offence. But it becomes necessary for the magistrate to consider the reports of the police before taking the cognizance in case the final report is made to the magistrate after the investigation by the police. Transfer of case on the application of the accused: – The magistrate may also take the cognizance of the offence upon his own knowledge or information.But Section 191 of the Code requires that the accused person must have to be inform before taking of any evidence that he is entitled to have the case inquired into or tried by another magistrate and if the accused objects the procee dings being conducted before the magistrate taking the cognizance of the offence, the case will have to be transferred to such other magistrate as may be specified by the Chief Judicial Magistrate. Also the refusal to the request of the transfer in such a case would be illegal.Section 192 of the Code, has empowered the Chief Judicial Magistrate or a duly authorise magistrate of first class to transfer a case to another competent magistrate and the transfer made under the Section 192 can only be made after taking cognizance of the offence. Limitation on the power to take cognizance of an offence: – Section 195-199 are exception to the general rule regarding the cognizance of the offence contained in Section 190. These are given below: – 1. Prosecution for contempt of lawful authority of public servents: –Under Secion 195(1) it is provided that the cognizance of the following offences cannot be taken by any court : – (i)offence is punishable under section 1 72-188 of the IPC, (ii)offence of abetment, attempt to commit, etc (iii)offence of criminal conspiracy. except on the complaint in writing by the public officer concerned there or the complaint made by any public servent who is senior to the public officer concerned. The section 172-188 of the Code given in this section relates to the offence of contempt of lawful authority of public servants.For example: preventing the service of the summons, not obeying the legal order of the public servants, not producing documents so required by the public servants. and where the complaint has been made by a public servant, any authority to which he is subordinate can order the withdrawl of complaint and send a copy of such order to the court, and on the receipt of such order by the court, no further proceedings shall be taken on the complaint. 2. Prosecution for offence against public justice and for offences relating to the document given in evidence: –Under Section 195(1)(b) no court c an take the cognizance: – (i)of any offence punishable under any of the following sections of the I. P. C. namely 193-196, 199,200, 205-211 and 228 when such offence is alleged to have been committed in or in relation to the any proceeding in the court, (ii)of the offence punishable under section 475 or 476 of IPC when such offence is alleged to have been committed in respect of document produced r given in evidence in a proceedings in any court, or iii)of any criminal conspiracy to commit or attempt to commit or the abetment of any offence mentioned above except the complaint in writing of that court, or of some other court to which that court is subordinate.3. Prosecution for offences against the State: – Under Section 196(1) of the Code, any court shall not take the cognizance of the: – (a)any offence punishable under section 153-A, 153-B, section 295-A or Section 505 of IPC or (b)a criminal conspiracy to commit such offence,or (c)any such abetment, of the of fence. xcept with the previous sanction of the Central Government or the State Government. The offences above referred under the IPC relates to the offences against the State, for example : – promoting the enemity between the two groups of people, outraging the religious feeling of particular class etc. The object of this restrictive provision is to prevent unauthorised persons of state does not insitute suit against each other for just a small matter. 4. Prosecution for offence of criminal conspiracy: –Under Section 196(2) any court cannot take the cognizance of the offence which is punishable under S. 120-B of the I. P. Code other than punishable under death, imprisonment for life or other imprisonment for which the term is two years or upward unless the state government or the district magistrate has consented in writing to the intiation of the proceedings. The State Government or the District magistrate may before giving the consent can order the investigation by t he police officer.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Representative Charles Rangel of New York

In attempting to scare American at the thought of going to war with Iraq, Representative Charles Rangel of New York proposed a bill to reinstate the military draft. His purpose was not to argue the draft itself, but to make Americans aware of the perils of going to war and the inequity in the current military. Ironically, four years later, the war is a reality, and so is the draft. Reinstating the military draft will serve the US’s failing military both abroad and at home.First of all, the draft in the 21st century would need to be fair. Many people fear the draft because it is well known that the lower socioeconomic levels and minorities are disproportionately represented in the fighting military today. As a matter of fact, more than 30 percent of the nation’s military is made up of minorities (Rangel Introduces a Bill to Reinstate Draft, 2003). The new draft would make everyone between the ages of 20 to 26 (or perhaps as young as 18 and as old as 28) register and serv e.Thus, the draft is perceived as more fair. â€Å"One reason more young people don't serve now is the fear that while they're wearing the uniform, their peers will be out having fun and getting a leg up in their careers. If everyone were required to serve, no one would feel like a sucker† (Moskos and Glastris, 2001). However, the idea of sending every college aged kid overseas to carry a gun is an outdated vision of the draft. Nowadays, the military needs more than just ‘professional soldiers.’ Plenty of duties are available for those draftees (and volunteers) that are made available with the draft. As Moskos and Glastris (2001) note, we are now dealing with a â€Å"shadowy enemy† rather than an obvious platoon of marching troops. The new enemy is everywhere – terrorism. â€Å"That terrorists might poison municipal water supplies, spray anthrax from crop dusters, or suicidally infect themselves with small pox and stroll through busy city streets, is no longer considered farfetched.That we might need to draft some of our people to counter these threats—now that's considered farfetched, to the extent that it's considered at all† (Moskos and Glastris, 2001). Fighting this war will take more manpower than the United States currently has. This manpower will not necessarily be in trenches or tanks. They will be doing duties that many Americans do not realizes are needed.These jobs include federal armed personnel to â€Å"guard dams, nuclear power plants, sports complexes, and U. S. embassies abroad; more border patrol and customs agents to keep terrorists and their weapons from entering the country; more INS agents track down immigrants who have overstayed their visas; more coast guard personnel to inspect ships; more air marshals to ride on passenger jets; and more FBI agents to uncover terrorist cells still operating within and outside our borders†¦border guards, customs agents, anthrax inoculators, or disaste r-relief specialists (Moskos and Glastris, 2001).None of these jobs require tactical war skills. In addition, many individuals do not understand the in a perfect situation, troops would not serve for such long terms. Now, with the shortage of soldiers in Iraq, many troops are being redeployed two and three times. A draft would solve this problem. In Bosnia or Kosovo, the average time of deployment was only six months (Moskos and Glastris, 2001).The short duration for draftees would be less daunting than the burden the current military is bearing. The idea of the draft of previous decades is not the same draft as the one of this era simply because the war landscape is different. Fairly distributing the burden and reducing terms is one difference that many will notice. In addition, these individuals will serve at duties not necessarily on the front lines, but in positions of homeland security due to the new type of war on terror.With the guarantee that all will serve in a way that is appropriate for them, people have a better chance of becoming that a draft is necessary to continue the freedoms that all Americans enjoy. References Moskos, C. & Glastris, P. (2001). Now Do You Believe We Need A Draft? Washington Monthly 4 June 2007 from http://www. washingtonmonthly. com/features/ 2001/0111. moskos. glastris. html Rangel Introduces a bill to reinstate draft. (2003). CNN. Com Inside Politics. Retrieved 4 June 2007 from http://www. cnn. com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/01/07/rangel. draft/

Monday, July 29, 2019

Demonstrating Leadership as a High School Sports Captain

There is no question that leading other people is not easy. Whether it means taking charge in a group project for school, putting together a fundraiser or a volunteer event, or even coordinating social plans on a Friday night, it can be at times difficult and time-consuming to try to get people to listen to you and work together to benefit the group as a whole. This being said, for all the trials and tribulations that one might have to go through in a leadership position, there are usually many benefits as well. This is certainly the case in high school sports. Becoming a team captain for your high school sports team can be a fulfilling experience that offers many professional and personal benefits. Read on to find out more about how you can set a model for leadership as a sports captain. Every sport is different in the amount of teamwork it requires, but even more individual sports teams (like wrestling and tennis) train together and have a certain team dynamic. Whether it is an individualized or a team sport, all sports can benefit from having a student leader, and so high school sports teams usually have a student captain. Many high school sports teams have a captain in addition to a professional coach because student athletes might have a better rapport with their teammates than an adult coach. Although a coach might be able to relate to students more than a teacher or another authority figure, there is no question that student captains will obviously have more common ground with other students. For students who are chosen to be captains, taking on a leadership position can also be helpful for college applications—admissions committees want to see students who are able to take on responsibility and work well with others.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

A report on a piece of qualitative research - The Impact of Price Essay - 1

A report on a piece of qualitative research - The Impact of Price Changes on the Brand Equity of Toyota in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example This chapter will explain the research methodology used for achieving the goals of this research study and the justifications for the methodology chosen. A qualitative case study is chosen for accomplishing the objectives of this study since it emphasizes the experiences and perspectives of the consumers who have purchased Toyota vehicles or other similar vehicles in Saudi Arabia. In this regard a qualitative study involves the exploration of a specific social setting or phenomenon involving the collection of â€Å"detailed, in-depth data† from multiple sources including interviews, observations, open-ended questionnaires and secondary data such as reports and records (Creswell, 2009, p. 43). A qualitative case study allows for an â€Å"analysis of a† specific â€Å"phenomenon† which may be programs, institutions, individuals, or social groups (Merriam, 2009, p. x). Since this study involves the collection of data relative to the experiences and perspectives of Toyota consumers in Saudi Arabia relative to price changes and its impact on brand and value, this study is a qualitative case study. Specifically, this s tudy investigates a bonded system. Choi and Hong (2002) conducted a qualitative case study using in-depth, semi-structured interviews among managers in Acura, Honda and DaimlerChrysler to determine the impact of operations cost on the structure of the supply network. In this regard, a qualitative case study was useful for gaining an understanding of how cost influenced the behavior of those directly impacted by costs. Likewise, my case study seeks to determine the impact of price changes on the behavior of consumers who are directly impacted by price changes. Beach, Muhlemann, Price, Paterson and Sharp (2001) argue that any research that can impact production channels and management decisions in production management is best suited to qualitative studies. This is because

MGMT402 U2 IP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

MGMT402 U2 IP - Research Paper Example Consequently, the harassed victim is forced to file a complaint in the company’s grievance committee. Further, the victim’s not finding redress by submitting a complaint to the company’s grievance committee. The non-action or unfavorable action of the grievance committee may force the sexual harassment victims to file a harassment case in the courts of law. If the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) investigation shows the employer knew and did not prevent the supervisor’s harassment, the 1995 Auto Corp is has vicarious legal liability (Conte, 2010). In the case of Ellerth and Fargher labor case, the Supreme Court reiterated the company has vicarious legal liability for the supervisor’s harassment of the workplace victims if two conditions are present (Dale, 2005). First, the company knows of the sexual harassment acts and refuses to take the appropriate action to stop the sexual harassment acts. Likewise, The Code of Federal Regulations Pt 1604.11 states that management is liable it did implement reasonable care to prevent the harassment. Second, the victims sought the redress from the company’s grievance committee (GPO, 2007). Vicarious legal liability means the employer and the supervisor are liable for monetary damages. Further, the EEOC investigation team will implement the corresponding penalties on the guilty person and the employer, 1995 Auto Corp (EEOC, 2014). Similarly, management will be penalized for not doing its share to prevent workplace sexual harassment. Management is required to set into motion a grievance process for the abused employees. Likewise management must implement preventive measures to reduce future sexual harassment acts (Conte, 2010). Furthermore, the company must prioritize mediation over litigation (Conte, 2010). Mediation (amicable settlement) is less costly than litigation. Mediation may take possibly one or more meetings to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Development of Research Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Development of Research Questions - Essay Example fact Open Doors report provided by the Institute of International Education (IIE), recorded an increase of 3% to 690,923 of student enrolment during the 2009/10 academic year. So it is crucial how the courses are introduced so that the international students can follow the curriculum given the two most common challenges they have to face; that of having a grasp over English and the associated stress due to culture shift. And when the students are pursuing a highly technical course like accounting, the learning difficulty multiplies. For it is typically assumed that all students are familiar with the basic concepts of accounting, its core definitions, and main transactions. But the general perception of accounting courses among students is that they are difficult to study, and students are expected to work hard to succeed in these courses. One of the big reasons is the difficulty with English comprehension. For this special group of students, which usually enter on F-1 visa, English i s a second language and it is imperative that they master it in order to understand and grasp complex accounting matters. Typically, these students need to make extra effort to connect what they just learned and what it should mean. As a result, complex accounting material becomes even more complicated for this particular group to do well and succeed in the accounting courses. The anticipated research study will be conducted on various issues and opportunities that this unique group of students experience while taking accounting courses namely coping with English and its impact on academic performance, the consequent stress of being in a new culture and the intervention services that could be extended to them. Therefore the proposed dissertation topic is as follows: â€Å"International students in accounting course in the U.S: Challenges & opportunities†. The impact of foreign students on the educational industry in America could not be ignored both in terms of the financial aspects

Friday, July 26, 2019

Reflectiion Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reflectiion Paper - Essay Example Indeed, the psychological paradigms of Dina’s personality become important issues within the social setup, especially social class and racial divide. The reflection on past events by Dina becomes the major factor that is able to help her to reconcile herself with the past and look forward to future. Dina was brought up within a stifled environment of a disturbed family where her mother loses her will to live and ultimately dies. She is wary of human relationship because she has seen her mother was trampled by her father. She not only carries the stigma of being poor but also is hugely distrustful of whites. Her defiance is actually her defense to shield herself from the imagined bullying by white students and teachers. That is perhaps the reason that during orientation games in Yale, she is provoked into stating that she would like to be a revolver! While revolver might be representative of violence, for Dina, it was a shield that could probably give her the emotional and physical security that she craves. The revolve might also be symbolizing the social violence within our society that the narrator voices when she says that her mother ‘would never be able to get where she wanted to go’. The poignancy of Dina’s thoughts and her behavior reflect the constrain ts of social conditioning. Dina’s character is intense and highly volatile but hides a softer human touch which she is afraid to show to the world. Her relationship with Heidi, a white girl is scintillating example of unpredictable human behavior which is easily swayed by love and trust. Heidi’s persistence bears fruit and Dina joins the rest of the students in the college canteen and also enrolls herself to become dishwasher. Subsequently, her interactions with others reveal the changing attitude of Dina and show the strength of her character that is more inclined towards justice and freedom, promoting

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Value of a University Education Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Value of a University Education - Assignment Example Studies consistently demonstrate that graduates have higher levels of earnings than high school graduates. According to the US Census Bureau, the median earnings of bachelor’s degree recipients working full-time year-round in 2008 were $55,700 - $21,900 more than the median earnings of high school graduates. Individuals with higher levels of education are more likely to have earnings and more likely to work full-time year round. Eighty percent of college graduates ages 25 or older had earnings in 2008 and 60% worked full-time year-round. In comparison, only sixty-three percent of high school graduates ages 25 or older had earnings, and only 44% worked full-time year-round. When lifetime earnings are computed, the typical bachelor’s degree recipient can expect to earn about 66% more during a 40-year working life than the typical high school graduate earns over the same period. After the fall in employment rates at the start of the economic recession in early 2008, it was four-year college graduates whose employment levels first recovered in 2010, with a 2% increase. Individuals with higher levels of education report greater job satisfaction and derive a sense of fulfillment from their work. Finally, the unemployment rate for university graduates â€Å"is consistently about half the unemployment rate for high school graduates† (Baum, Ma and Payea, 2010). Higher education also confers non-monetary benefits to individuals. These include health benefits and an improved sense of self-esteem. As the medical consensus on the adverse health effects of smoking became more emphatic, the smoking rates for college graduates showed a much more rapid rate of decline than that for high school graduates. By 2008, only 9% of college graduates smoked,... This paper comes to the conclusion that it is clear that university education imparts value to the individual, the local community and society at large. Individual benefits are both monetary and non-monetary. Monetary benefits include increased income and consistently high employment rates. Non-monetary advantages range from to better health and healthy lifestyles to a greater sense of well-being and better care of children. In the context of the local community, universities develop the skills of the local community by enlisting and training local students, generate employment opportunities on the campus, participate in community activities, give local community access to university facilities, address the issue of social disadvantage in the locality and raise the prestige and visibility of the region. Society at large benefits in several ways from higher education, with graduates showing greater political participation, decreased crime and incarceration rates, more racial and relig ious tolerance and less dependence on public welfare programs. This paper approves that the higher wages of college graduates obviously translates into a higher national income, which leads to a healthier population and a better functioning society. The benefits of a university education are indisputable. As it is evident that the benefits of higher education are not confined to the individual alone, but also spill over into the local community and society at large, public investment in higher education is a step in the right direction. University education is the best way to ensure that the well-being of all citizens is enhanced and that the nation retains its competitiveness in the knowledge economy of the contemporary world.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Jurisprudence and corporate Social Responsibility Essay - 1

Jurisprudence and corporate Social Responsibility - Essay Example the â€Å"first virtue of social institutions, as truth is of systems of thought.† Therefore, justice can be distinguished from compassion, mercy, generosity, benevolence and charity. The understanding of the concept of justice varies between societies depending on their mythology, religion and shared history. However, the common feature about the notion of justice in every society is that it is influenced by values created by the society’s ethics. Generally, justice has been viewed by societies as either harmony, natural law, divine command, a human creation, a mutual agreement, a subordinate attribute and even as a trickery. The duty of the ensuring that justice is accorded to every member of the society is a corporate social responsibility. There are different approaches or theories that can be applied in defining what constitutes justice in a country. The three theories of justice that will be discussed in this paper are Justice as Fairness, Utilitarianism and Libertarianism. According to utilitarianism, a society can be said to be just if its institutions and laws promote the greatest total or average happiness of every of its member (Hare 1982). The question in this theory is â€Å"how we determine the overall happiness and/or satisfaction of each member of the society?† Therefore, this theory can be said to provide an indirect approach to the issue of justice because justice is not like weight or temperature that can directly measured. Traditionally, utilitarianism relied upon the account of forms of organization and social conditions necessary for the realisation of this good. It also relied on the theory of human good, that is, that which was though to be good for human beings or that which they needed for them to flourish (Mary 1973). The problem here is that it is not possible for all people to agree on what type of things or life is desirable. For example, financiers, ministers, intellectuals, artists, soldiers, salespersons or athletes have

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Knowledge management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Knowledge management - Research Paper Example This will include the definition of knowledge management, and the reason for this concept receiving so much importance. Also, since it a term which is open to interpretation, the definition will state the interpretation of a few authors as well. After this, the paper will narrow the concept down to the usefulness of knowledge management in the corporate world. It will take a hypothetical situation in which a company is experiencing several threats and difficulties in operating, due to both internal and external factors, which any ordinary business would experience in the face of a competitive industry. These difficulties will be pertaining to several areas, such as those from the macro (external) environment, like legal, political, technological, and social issues. Furthermore, the paper will elaborate on the competitive (internal) environment of the industry, which refers to directly related parties to the company, such as customers, supplies, new entrants, and competing firms withi n the industry. The paper will discuss problems, which this hypothetical company may face in the competitive environment. Finally, the paper will delve into a discussion of how and why a company can implement the use of knowledge management to such problems, for a successful and feasible solution. How would business community benefit from knowledge management? Often, the question that arises when such new techniques is that how would the technique bring about positive change? What factors will it help influence, and whether the effect is multifold? This paper states the answer of this question in detail. It elaborates later on, on the advantages that are stated below, explaining the benefit of implementing knowledge management to the business community. Currently, a majority of firms are under pressure due to the various market forces working against them, creating competition, problems, and challenges. Quite a few experts agree that knowledge management is an advantageous solution to some of these problems, in the following summarized ways. The first way in which knowledge management can help a company is by aiding in reducing the operational costs. This is it teaches the management things which they have not yet learned through their own work experience, including how to make the workplace operate with maximum efficiency. Secondly, this collaboration in between people with different experiences, coming from different departments, improves the quality of work. Thirdly, it can help greatly decrease the employee turnover rates of companies, which can often get out of hand and cause major expenditure for the company. This is because knowledge management helps the employee with their growth as employees and in their careers. Moreover, with knowledge management, the departure of key personnel from a department would not lead to a slowdown, because the remaining employees would be educated about how to react. Fifthly, this increased expertise would lead to a major increase in sales and customer satisfaction rates. Finally, knowledge management can serve the company as its competitive advantage in the industry. Research Findings The industrial revolution brought a large change to this world. Before it, everything was simple, uncomplicated. However, since after it, leading up to this very day, the following technological revolutions have no doubt, left each person with a handful to remember. Whether it is about management, human

Interactive Training Modules in Microcontrolling and Microprocessing Essay Example for Free

Interactive Training Modules in Microcontrolling and Microprocessing Essay Computer Engineering Department lacks equipment when it comes to new kinds of microcontrollers and modules. Developing interactive training modules is our proposed solution to that problem. This interactive training module will be a medium to help students and enable them to get ideas on how to do their projects. This project presents the Interactive Training Modules for Microcontrolling and Microprocessing. It consists of combinations of different modules that are used for training that is available in the market and an interactive manual. The main objectives of this project is to have a low cost training module for Computer Engineering Department that can be used as an educational material in teaching basic microcontrolling and microprocessing to give the students ideas in creating their own projects. The interactive training modules will consist a microcontroller and different types of sensors, input/output devices, motors, and communication modules. Each module will have several easy to understand educational experiments and other using the combination of different modules. The interactive manual will contain all the instructions for the experiment, information about the microcontroller and other details that can be very helpful for the user of the trainer. A Gizduino (Arduino based microcontroller) will be used for this project because of being a low-cost microcontroller and easy to understand programming language which is C-based. We decided to purchase a ready made and low cost trainer that is easy to use and will have an additional feature like having a Ethernet Shield that can be used in controlling other modules. B. Statement of the problem The proponents aim to present the general problem and specific problems. Microprocessing and Microcontrolling have become important over a wide range of applications from hobby, manufacturing, surgery until to the handling of hazardous materials. Consequently, it’s important to understand how they work, and what problems exist in designing effective project interactive training modules. In designing interactive training modules, we must understand it requires a lot of knowledge and basic information about the modules. From other research and studies, there are several problems statements that are clarify and noticed †¢Cost Initially, the cost for purchasing an interactive training module is very expensive. A quality and suitable materials for this project will cost a lot of budget and it’s clearly not affordable. This will cause a difficulty for educational purposes and many students and instructors will find lots of difficulties in doing their studies and research. Thus this project will help them to deliver a better understanding about the basic operation and functions of a Microprocessor and Microcontroller. †¢Hardware system To construct a interactive module, there are few procedures to be considered which are process etching, installating component, soldering process, testing and troubleshooting. If the constructed circuit does not function, troubleshooting must be done, thus it needs a lot of focus and knowledge about circuit process. †¢System integration Technically, it is always difficult to integrate the hardware and software. There are many ways to integrate the system to function according to instructions that are given. Loads of research and studies must be done in order to achieve the expected result for this project. Also this study provides answers to the following questions: †¢What are the problems encountered by the students and instructors in using the existing instructional tools available for the Computer Engineering Department? †¢What are the solutions that can be provided to address the problems? C. Objectives of the study The objectives of this project are: i.To have an up-to-date and low cost training module that can be used by the Computer Engineering students. ii.To produce an interactive training manual as a guide for educational purpose. iii.To build and develop both the training modules hardware and software system that could be integrated to support the application system of a basic microcontroller and microprocessor. D. Scope and Delimitation Basically the scope of this project will be the following: i.Doing research and development for the project. ii.Gathering informative source about the topic from multiple source such as books, journals, internet and also magazines. iii.Start developing and installing the materials for the hardware. iv.Integrating the developed hardware and software. v.Doing performance testing to the developed project. E. Significance of the Study This project would be beneficial for the following: i.Instructors: It will provide sample in discussing how to create projects that need microcontrolling and microprocessing, it can also be used as an instructional tool for the laboratory experiments on employing effective learning in their class. ii.Students: It will serve as a basis of reference for conducting study and a way of training themselves in basic microcontrolling and microprocessing. iii.Campus: It will provide better method of teaching new technologies to Computer Engineering students. iv.Researchers: It will serve as a future reference on the subject of Microcontroller and Microprocessor. F. Definition of Terms Arduino is an open source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy to use hardware and software. Ethernet is a family of computer networking technologies for local area networks (LANs). Interactive Accepting input from a human. Interactive computer systems are programs that allow users to enter data or commands. Most popular programs, such as word processors and spreadsheet applications. Microcontroller A microcontroller (sometimes abbreviated  µC, uC or MCU) is a small computer on a single integrated circuit containing a processor core, memory, and programmable input/output peripherals. Microprocessor incorporates the functions of a computers central processing unit (CPU) on a single integrated circuit (IC), or at most a few integrated circuits. It is a multipurpose, programmable device that accepts digital data as input, processes it according to instructions stored in its memory, and provides results as output. Module A self-contained assembly of electronic components and circuitry, such as a stage in a computer that is installed as a unit. Motor A device that converts any form of energy into mechanical energy, especially an internal-combustion engine or an arrangement of coils and magnets that converts electric current into mechanical power. Sensors A sensor (also called detector) is a converter that measures a physical quantity and converts it into a signal which can be read by an observer or by an (today mostly electronic) instrument.

Monday, July 22, 2019

13 Domestic Cabinet Departments Essay Example for Free

13 Domestic Cabinet Departments Essay 1.) U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) – responsibilities include farming, agricultural products, food stamps, and anti-poverty programs, and conservation and natural resource protection. The inspectors of this department are responsible for the safety of the nation’s food supply. 2.) U.S. Department of Commerce- responsible for everything we buy and sell, they regulate everything from foreign trade to fishing to the granting of patents, they oversee programs that support minority businesses, and provides statistics and analyses for business and government planners. 3.) U.S Department of Defense (DOD)- responsible for supplying military hardware, administering personnel pay and benefits, providing info to the public and military, managing military education programs and attempting to locate missing personnel or prisoners of war. 4.) U.S. Department of Education- their first responsibility is making sure that the nation’s public school systems provide students with proper school supplies, educational facilities and qualified teachers. Personnel promote parental involvement in their children’s education, develop financial aid policies and encourage the use of modern technology in the classroom. 5.) U.S. Department of Energy- works to ensure that the nation has a steady, consistent and safe supply of energy. Energy scientists work to harness the sun’s power while its physicists attempt to capture nuclear energy for civilian or military use. 6.) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) the governments primary agency for overseeing the health and well-being of the American people. HHS employees work on more than 300 programs and perform essential services ranging from food safety to medical research to drug abuse prevention. HHS has regional offices across the country. 7.) U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) first priority is to protect the nation against further terrorist attacks. Component agencies will analyze threats and intelligence, guard the nations borders and airports, protect critical national infrastructure, and coordinate the nations response for future emergencies. 8.) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) responsible for ensuring that American families have access to decent, safe and affordable housing. Among HUDs biggest programs are insuring mortgages for homes and loans for home improvement, making direct loans for construction or rehabilitation of housing projects for the elderly and the handicapped, providing federal housing subsidies for low- and moderate-income families, and enforcing fair housing and equal housing access laws. 9.) U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) manages the nations natural resources, from land and water to coal and natural gas. By monitoring the extraction of natural resources, Interior Department personnel work to efficiently protect and preserve the environment. The Department also houses the office responsible for overseeing Native American affairs. 10.) U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) makes sure that federal laws aimed at protecting the public and promoting competitive business practices are implemented, including immigration and naturalization statutes, consumer safeguards and criminal prosecutions. The FBI falls under the Justice Departments authority. 11.) U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) administers and enforces laws and regulations that ensure safe working conditions, minimum hourly pay and overtime. Through its varied initiatives, it also works to meet the special employment-related needs of the disabled, the elderly and minorities, and provides job banks, unemployment benefits and workplace health regulations. 12.) U.S. Department of State- responsible for the conduct of the nations foreign affairs and diplomatic initiatives. State Department personnel coordinate conferences with foreign leaders, hammer out treaties and other agreements with foreign governments and protect the safety of US citizens traveling abroad. 13.) U.S. Department of the Treasury- Printing the nations money is only one of many responsibilities overseen by the nations second oldest cabinet department (only the State Department has been around longer). It also sets domestic financial, economic and tax policy, manages the public debt and collects taxes. Less obvious is Treasurys other major role—law enforcement; the Secret Service and the Customs Service are Treasury agencies. 14.) U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Cars, trucks, buses, trains, boats, and airplanes all fall under the Department of Transportations authority. So does the nations transportation infrastructure. The work of Transportation Department employees makes it possible for Americans to travel home for the holidays, away on vacation, and even to and from work. The Transportation Department is also home to the new Transportation Security Administration, which is responsible for protecting the countrys transportation systems and ensuring the safety of its passengers. 15.) U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Best known for its healthcare system, the VA also provides social support services, administers pensions and other veterans benefits, and promotes the hiring of veterans.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Reflective Assessment of Holistic Wellbeing

Reflective Assessment of Holistic Wellbeing Introduction Health, like beauty, lies in the eyes of the beholder and a single definition cannot capture its complexity. To this end, this essay aims to explore what health means to me and how it has been influenced by the experience of coping with my mothers chronic illness. To me, health transcends the absence of disease to include the physical, psychological and social well-being of a person; it means the empowerment of the individual, and is the foundation of a fulfilling life; it also means caring about the people who care about you and whom you care about. Describe For a period of time, my mother has been complaining of pain in her joints, hips and more recently, her back. I always had a bad feeling that there was something sinister about her pain even though our general practitioner could not pinpoint anything serious after several differential diagnoses. However, as she has a family history of joint pains, I chose to be in a state of denial to her pain and attributed it to a genetic condition she had that would go away with time. However, that was not the case. My family observed that my mother was getting more emotionally irritable as time went by, and the nagging pain meant that she often found reasons not to take part in social activities that we organized. It got to the extent that she was constantly lying in bed and could not do her favourite activities, such as going to the market, without considering the amount of movements she would have to go through. The radiating pain also gave her sleepless nights and all these were taking a toll on her quality of life, among many other factors. It was debilitating. And as her daughter, I felt helpless. More so because I was studying medicine, and was plagued with the guilt of not being able to relieve the suffering of the person I loved the most. The persistent pain worsened and my family decided to consult a specialist for a second opinion. A tumour was suspected. While the specialist made his diagnosis, I was very worried for my mother. I tried to prepare myself mentally to cope with the worst case scenarios, and this affected me emotionally and psychologically. I had no one to turn to as I did not want to worry others, and was at a loss of what to do. The results later revealed that my mother was diagnosed with a benign tumour (spine haemangioma). The specialist said that it was the lesser evil because it was not malignant, but that she would feel chronic pain throughout her life. What provided comfort to my family was the knowledge that there were treatments available to contain the tumour through methods such as radiotherapy and physiotherapy. Reflect It pains me to know that the person I love would be put through suffering both from the disease and its treatment, and I wished I could be the one going through it instead. Upon reflection, I realize that I had not been dealing with my emotions effectively. The fear of finding out more and my escapist mentality had prompted me to create an internal barrier, such that I could not provide the care and support for my mother as I would have liked her to have felt. Health means the holistic wellbeing of a person Witnessing her chronic suffering has made me realise that health does not merely mean the absence of disease but it requires a more holistic view which encompasses the physical, psychological and social well-being of a person. I used to think of health as merely the absence of physical pain that arose from diseases, and to this extent, the physicians task of relieving suffering was merely to alleviate the immediate physical pain and discomfort. However the literature I was exposed to on the nature of suffering in ill persons made me come to the realisation of my limited understanding of the term suffering. Through my research to understand the multi-faceted dimension of a person, and what suffering entails, I hope to be able to better understand what my mother is going through (albeit only the tip of the ice berg). Health means the empowerment of the individual, and is the foundation for a fulfilling life As the Catalan proverb goes, from the bitterness of disease, man learns the sweetness of health. I have too often taken for granted the gift of health that empowers a healthy individual to pursue things that matter in life not only ones aspirations or happiness, but down to the little things that affects our everyday living. For instance, I have seen how the chronic pain influenced my mothers daily routine, and brought much discomfort when travelling or doing household chores. I have come to appreciate that health enables individuals to use their body as a vessel to fulfil their dreams and satisfy their needs without being tied down or be restricted by suffering. Health is thus the basis which enables people to pursue happiness and wealth, aptly worded by Elbert Hubbard, who said, If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want. It takes a loss of health to appreciate these words o f wisdom. Health means caring about the people who care about you and whom you care about I always thought of Health as merely a personal responsibility and a duty that an individual owed only to himself. However, this experience has prompted me to comprehend how the absence of health in individuals will affect the mental, social and physical health of their loved ones as well. Research, analyse and connect The academic literature available allows me to gain a deeper insight on what health means to me and allows me to make sense of my experience in a broader context through considering the perspectives of others. Through examining the concept of human suffering brought about by the absence of good health, I learnt about the distinction between suffering and pain. A person who is in pain may not feel a proportional sense of suffering it is similarly possible for one to suffer even in the absence of pain. (Sanders 2009) In light of my mothers chronic illness, I was prompted to examine the literature on human suffering which made me realised that my understanding of the word suffering was limited at best. While I had always aspired to be a doctor to relieve the pain and suffering of people, I was of the view that human suffering was synonymous with physical pain brought upon an ill person due to diseases. However, literature has shown that suffering goes beyond the physical pain, and suffering defined merely as pain, disregards the broader significance of the suffering experienced by the ill. (Charmaz 2008) Suffering includes physical pain, but it is not limited to it. It can be understood by examining the many aspects of a holistic person and when any of these aspects is threatened, suffering ensues. These aspects may include a persons past, his or her role in society, relationships with others, day-to-day behaviour, and perception of the future. (Cassell 2004) The persistent pain my mother experienced affected her ability to do things that she had long associated herself with, such as playing tennis or climbing the stairs. In addition, my mother may have seen herself as being defined by several societal roles, such as being a wife, mother, caregiver to her parents, and a useful member of society. If the pain overwhelms her and restricts her from fulfilling these roles, she may see herself as being less than whole, and this may contribute to her perpetual suffering. In considering the holistic person and the suffering which impacts upon the many aspects of a person other than physical afflictions, it confirmed my understanding that health should also mean the physical, psychological and social well-being of a person. By understanding the multiple aspects of a personhood, I now better appreciate why medical education is shifting its emphasis from the traditional reductionist biomedical model of medicine to the biopsychosocial model of health. The limitations of the biomedical model is that it treats diseases in terms of abnormal physical mechanisms (Engel 2002) and this is inadequate in relieving sufferings in patients, as we now understand it to transcend the physical mechanisms to also encompass the holistic well-being of a person. The implications of the failure of physicians to understand the nature of sufferings can lead to medical interventions that (though technically adequate) not only fails to relieve suffering but becomes a source of su ffering itself. (Cassell 2004) This reflective practice also gives me a timely opportunity to evaluate my emotions and thoughts against that of the wider community. Relevant academic studies have shown that chronic illnesses also has an impact of the lives of caregivers. (Jung-Won Zebrack 2004) The emotions and thoughts that I felt were validated by researchers that show that receiving news of the chronic illness of a loved one can provoke emotions such as sadness, denial, grief and guilt. This may be due to guilty feelings of not giving adequate support to the ill person or it could be due to the emotional pain of feeling the loss of a loved ones health. (McIntyre 2005) It is important to attend to the impact of chronic illness on caregivers as research has shown that the holistic health of a caregiver has the potential to influence the health outcomes of persons with chronic illness. (WE 1999) Suggested methods of coping with these emotions include talking to someone; being informed about the disease as it give s the caregiver a sense of control; and accepting that there is a limit to the relief that a caregiver can provide. ( 2010) Decide, act and evaluate In light of the reflective writing and the academic literature reviewed, I hope that this will help me to come to terms and cope with the negative emotions I felt since receiving news of my mothers tumour. I can approach this by confiding in someone I am comfortable with, confronting my escapist mentality by finding out more about my mothers spinal haemangioma, and being aware of the treatments that she is going through. Her treatment is likely to expand over a long period of time, and she would need much emotional support and love from me. I have to be open to discussions about her illness and not evade any conversation on the topic as I did before. This reflective practice has also helped me to be more understanding and sensitive to the suffering of patients and their families. As a medical student, I have been made aware that the suffering of patients extends beyond physical pain, and that it is necessary for physicians to focus on patient-centred medicine and attend to the biopsychosocial model of health. It is also important to be aware of the impact that caring for a chronic ill patient has on the caregiver. To this end, I can be proactive as a future practitioner in asking caregivers how they are coping, and provide them with support services that they can turn to. I have also realised the important roles that practitioners play in preparing caregivers for the transition of roles to care for the ill, and in helping them anticipate changes that may occur in their lives. This gives caregivers a better sense of control over the situation, and increases their confidence in caring for the patient. A major takeaway from reflecting on what health means to me has been my understanding of the importance of medical practitioner to focus not only on curing diseases but also to relieve the sufferings of patients, understood holistically. To me, health transcends the absence of disease to include the physical, psychological and social well-being of a person; it means the empowerment of the individual, and is the foundation of a fulfilling life; it also means caring about the people who care about you and whom you care about.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Fight Club and I Essay -- Fight Club Novel Essays

Fight Club and I "What you see at fight club is a generation of men raised by women . . .. I'm a thirty-year-old boy, and I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer I need." These words are from Chuck Palahniuk's novel Fight Club. Tyler Durden is the alter ego, and only known name of the fictional narrator of the novel. Tyler suffers from Dissociative Personality Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Primary Insomnia, and probably a host of other disorders that I am not qualified to properly diagnose. "Women have caused me nothing but trouble for twenty-one years. That's it, I'm swearing off women . . . at least for a little while." These words were spoken by me, about two months ago. I am Aaron Mobley, a very real former U.S. Marine. I suffer from Antisocial Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, and abnormally high testosterone levels (yes, this was all medically verified). So what do Tyler and I have in common besides similar views on relationships? Quite a bit, actually. Tyler was raised by his mother. His father abandoned them early in his life and only had sporadic contact with his son. I, too, was raised by my mother. She divorced my father early in my life, and he made little effort to further his involvement in my life from that point forward. " If you're male . . . your father is your model for God. And if you never know your father, if your father bails out or dies or is never at home, what do you believe about God?" Also from Fight Club. As you can see, I really connected with this novel. Let's start with the most obvious similarity: antisocial personality disorder, or APD. APD is, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a pervasive pa... ...t. Grand Slam, baby! That 2-1 count had me worried for a second there. This essay is entitled "To my Father." It should read "To my Fathers," because it's for all of them. It's for the one who didn't give a shit. It's for all the ones who would've cared if they'd known. It's for the one that made me what I am today. And most of all it's for me, the only man I've ever had around to fall back on when things got too rough. It is 6:30 in the morning, and my paper is done. Works Cited Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed. Washington: American Psychiatric Association, 1994. Palahniuk, Chuck. Fight Club. New York: Henry Holt and Company, LLC, 1996. Twaite, James A., et al. Children of Divorce: Adjustment, Parental Conflict, Custody, Remarriage, and Recommendations for Clinicians. Northvale: Jason Aaronson, Inc., 1998.

Free Yellow Wallpaper Essays: Physical and Mental Abuse :: Yellow Wallpaper essays

Physical and Mental Abuse in The Yellow Wallpaper What is Abuse? Abuse is not just being hit. Abuse is any action that is harmful or controlling and that affects the well being of another person. Many people use the term "Abuse" to signify physical abuse, but there are many more ways of abusing someone than beating them. Physical abuse is the most horrifying and most noticeable of them all, but it is only one of the many types of abuse. Here are some of the names for different categories of abuse: Physical abuse, Sexual abuse, Psychological and Verbal abuse, Forced confinement, abuse towards pets or property, Financial abuse, and Child abuse. The two abuses that I will be focusing on will be physical and mental abuse. I decided to pick the topic of abuse after viewing the movie The Yellow Wall- paper. After watching the movie and seeing how badly Mary Wollstonecraft was treated, it made me want to know more about abuse on women and what could be done to break the chain of abuse. I believe that no abuse is acceptable and that any man that has ever abused a woman in anyway should face major consequences. That is my main point to this paper, that the laws are not strong enough and that more effort should be done so that no women is ever abused in anyway shape or form again. To start, I will give some statistics about police and how they handle calls from wives that have been abused. "Police were more likely to respond within five minutes if the offender was a stranger than if an offender was known to the female victim" ("Response"1). Also, it has been recorded that once a women in Boston called in that her husband had beaten her and the policeman's response was, "Listen, lady, he pays the bills, does n't he? What he does inside of his house is his business"(Straus, Gelles, and Steinmetz 301). With a response like this, why even bother calling the police. That is why we must come together and start over from the inside out. We need to make every one in any position of power know that any abuse on women is wrong. The truth is that, "90% of all family violence defendants are never prosecuted, and one-third of the cases that would be considered felonies if committed by strangers are filed as misdemeanors (a lesser crime)" ("Response"1).

Friday, July 19, 2019

Canterbury Tales Essay - Wife of Bath as an Attack on Married Life?

Canterbury Tales - Wife of Bath is Not an Attack on Women and Married Life Feminists have proposed that the Prologue of the Wife of Bath is merely an attack on women and married life. The Prologue is spoken by a woman with strong opinions on how married life should be conducted, but is written by a man. It is important to examine the purpose with which Chaucer wrote it. This is especially so as many of the pilgrims in The Canterbury Tales condemn themselves out of their own mouths, such as the Monk and the Friar. While the Wife spends most of the Prologue arguing in favour of the deceit and deviousness that wise wives will execute, the argument is often illogical and can approach ridiculousness in its vehemence. Are we to agree with the views that the Wife of Bath puts forward so strongly, or does Chaucer present her as a caricature of every negative quality women are traditionally guilty of?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A great deal of the Wife's Prologue is spent in her narration of the tirades that she subjected her first three husbands to, largely a list of accusations made by anti-feminists of women, and the Wife's spirited responses. The Wife's replies defend women's behaviour -- if a husband has enough sex from his wife, she says, he should not care "How mirily that othere folks fare". She attacks scholars who accuse women of all manner of vileness by asking "Who peynted the leon, tel me who?" and that because scholars (Mercurie) and women (Venus) are diametrically opposed, "Therfore no womman of no clerk is preysed." However, while it is clear that the Wife is on the side of fellow females, in a logical sense the Wife's arguments are not particularly effective against the anti-feminists' view that women are as vain as cats, as sex... ...ties of lechery and unscrupulousness; that is why Chaucer writes about her. By allowing both her and Jankyn bliss when he finally surrenders power to his wife, Chaucer does not appear to disapprove of this state of affairs on principle. The Wife of Bath is, however, a psychological study of a powerful, sexual woman and a speculation on what such a woman's life might be like. It is clearly one that intrigued Chaucer, as can be seen from the length of the prologue, which dwarfs all the others by comparison. Chaucer's aim in writing this prologue appears to have been the presentation of a character so strong, she approached a force of nature, rather than an attack on women and their conduct in married life. Work Cited Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales. Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. Ed Mack, Maynard et al. W. W. Norton and Co. New York, NY. 1992.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Retailing Sector in Malaysia Essay

Retailing is a commercial transaction in which a buyer intends to consume the good or services through personal, family or household use. Retailers are business firms engaged in offering goods and services directly to consumers. In Malaysia, the supervision of the wholesale and retail sector falls under the supervision of the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (MDTCA) through the Committee on Wholesale and Retail Trade. The Committee was set up in 1995 to regulate and supervise the industry, including foreign participation in the sector. Approval from the Committee is needed for foreign companies wanting to set up wholesale or retail operations locally and for the opening and relocation of branches. FIC and MDTCA show flexibility on the shareholder structure. But exceptions are examined on a case by case basis. The other conditions on foreign investment in the industry include: †¢Incorporation of their wholesale and retail operations locally †¢Minimum capital requirements of Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 1 million for specialty outlets, MYR5 million for supermarkets and MYR50 million for hypermarkets and FIC guidelines on purchase of property by Malaysians and foreign interests. Guidelines for New Hypermarkets Effective from April 2002, the government has approved a new set of guidelines for applications to open new hypermarkets in Malaysia: †¢The minimum capital requirement has increased from MYR10 million to MYR50 million. †¢Applications to build outlets should be submitted two years in advance. †¢New hypermarkets cannot be built within a 3.5 kilometer radius of a housing area or a city center. †¢Operations should be free-standing, which means hypermarkets must operate in their own buildings and not as part of any other complexes. †¢A socio-economic impact study has to be conducted by the local authorities in the proposed area before any application is considered. The cost of the study would be borne by the applicants. †¢Applications will only be considered for locations with a population of 350,000 or higher. †¢Floor space should not be less than 8,000 square meters and a counter must be set up in every 1,000 square meters. Challenges Ahead in the Retail Industry Globalization Most Malaysian retailers are not geared up to meet the challenges of the effects of globalization in Asian countries. They have inadequate resources and insufficient knowledge to compete with International powerhouses. The meager financial resources and the inability to withstand the deflationary pressure of the market have put the local retail operators in a fix, whether to downsize, merge or exit the industry. Trade Liberalization Asean  Free Trade Area (AFTA) allows local retailers to source for merchandises from countries such as Thailand and Indonesia. They do not have to rely on local distributors who have been imposing strict credit terms and trading conditions on them since the Asian financial crisis. On the other hand, regional trade liberalization poses great threats to small and medium-size retailers in Malaysia. They include provision shops, sundry shops and mini-markets. Without the resources and bargaining power to source for cheaper food products in the region, these retailers will not be able to withstand the full impact of AFTA. They may be forced to close down eventually.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Joseph Andrew

Joseph Andrews as a Pic besque overbold ________________________________________________ What is a dishonorable clean? The end point picargonsque has been derived from the Spanish word picaro which nub a rogue or a villain. Origin each(prenominal)y, a type of romance that dealt with rogues or villains was called picaresque. A picaresque saucy presented , in an extravagant style, a series of adventures , and misadventures , in general on the thoroughfares . The earliest examples of the picaresque novel are Lizaritle de Tormes and Guzman de Alfarachi. field was considerably influenced by Gil Blass and move into Quixote.In fact there are marked resemblance between Joseph Andrews and Don Quixote. rector Adam is clearly a Quixotic figure. The Picaresque element in the novel is introduced in Book 1 chapter 10 with Joseph setting push through on his journey in the moonlight. From here before to the end of Book 111, it follows the picaresque customs duty closely. Joseph soon ke eps rob make do and is thrown into a cast , stripped and half(a) dead. The stage baby carriage episode provides Fielding with an opportunity to parade their hypocrisy and callousness of the respected pot.Joseph and Parson Adams run into the picaresque journey that began with sarcastic exposure of the partnership assumes a partly humors tone. In a part of the drive got 1 and the middle two Books where the picaresque stem is followed, Fielding brings his major characters in contact with different strata of society- rural area squires, divines and philosophers , lawyers and surgeons , landladies , beggars and highway men- and exposes the contemporary social evils as intimately as human follies and foibles of a more(prenominal) general nature.Finally , the rambling or caustic narrative of Joseph Andrews also enforces the picaresque motif of the novel. Fielding employs here a really lose plot, for his purpose is the depiction of the society and the plot is non given s uch(prenominal) importance. How does Fielding as a satirist project his moral vision? / address Joseph Andrews as a social document. Fielding is considered to be the pioneer of the realistic novel in England. Defoes novels, apparently grounded in reality , are romantic in spirit. In fact, Fielding based all his novels on actual experience.In Joseph Andrews, Fielding presents a very realistic picture of the flavour of the English countryside in the first half of the 18th century. The first thing that strikes us about the society is its extra- ordinary callousness, unconstipated downright cruelty. Most of the members are selfish, unspiritual and hard- hearted. The stage-coach episode where Joseph , half killed and stripped peeled by robbers , is reluctantly rescued by the passengers in the stage coach, but receives no sympathy or comfort from each except the poor postilion, full brings out this callous temper.The surgeon refuses to leave his bed to attend Joseph just because he has no means of paying HIS FEE. Mrs. Tow-Wouse forbids her husband to change him a shirt . Parson Trulliber lowlifet afford even 14 shillings to assist Parson Adams on the reverse , he accuses him of being a vagabond. attorney Scout is of the opinion that there are far too many poor, and that we we ought to have an Act to hang or cargo ships half of them. The novel also depicts the wide of the mark gulf that seems to separate the high people from the low people. The distinction between these two groups is quite rigid. Lady Booby refers to her country neighbors as brutes. She grossly insults Adams on his mechanical press on publishing the banns of marriage. These high sort people show utter brush aside of the rights and interests of the poor people. For example, Lady Booby is not concerned whether pr not servants get their wages in time.